Friday, October 30, 2009

Its Friday Night...Do you know what your costume is?

Venus and Mars The Showroom is having a pre-Halloween costume party tonight "Peer Through The Looking Glass"
Patterson House is providing the liquor...It's gonna be a party party!!

for tickets and info go to

7:00pm - 11:00pm
2009 Belmont Blvd Nashville


Love Simone said...

So that's what they're setting up for :)

My store Feedback Clothing (right across the street) is having a Halloween shindig as well! Belmont Blvd is going to be hoppin

loveroffashion said...

Was that your store that was throwing down? It was a fuuun night!

Love Simone said...

Yes m'am :) It looks like you all were having a grand time at Venus & Mars as well! I spotted some amazing costumes!