I must say it was really weird to be away from the blog, as crazy as it sounds, I really started to miss it. My trip to KY was so much fun! My mom and I drove up to Louisville on Monday, on our way there our first adventure was the amusement park "Beach Bend Park." I am not normally an amusement park kinda gal, but this particular park, purchased one of Michael Jackson's rides from Neverland Ranch years ago. It is called the Sea Dragon and it was his favorite ride!! So in honor of MJ my mom and I rode it...so much fun!!
Later that night we went to see Jenny Lewis, man she knocked my socks off, that gal can sing and she is smokin hot!!!
Tuesday we hung out and watched the MJ memorial, we went through a half a box of tissues then headed out for a nice dinner in the city.
Wednesday we thrifted allllll day. I found so many great things, and for the record their Goodwill and Salvation Army kicks Nashville ass on prices....so cheap! And no I did not buy the McCauley Culkin Home Alone Doll ;)
Later that night we went to the Bob Dylan show. Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp were also on the bill. LOVED IT!!!
And we antiqued our way home...here are some pics of the trip.
hey love, your blog won't let me comment from my blog for some reason, but I just wanted to post and tell you I love it!
(Spanish Moss)
What an amazing mom you have that she did all that with you! I love that you saw Willie! how was he? he is seriously top five of people I have to see before they die (how bad is that I said 'die')
Willie is so great! It is amazing, the longevity of his career, and all of the songs that he wrote that I never knew he wrote. My mom is pretty rad! She is always up for anything. It was her idea to go see Bob and Willie haha.
i have heard a lot about willie
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