Today I caught wind that Poppet, my ultimate and fave vintage store in Manhattan closed due to the economy...Man, this is the second rad establishment that has closed. My two, got to stop and shop stores have closed their doors for various reasons. While it is bumming me out a bit, and while I get myself out of the whiny WHY? phase, I am going to reminisce a bit.
rad store #1
Show Pony in Los Angeles...If you guys did not get the chance to experience this store, you missed out BIG time. Opened by Kime Buzelli, this store was more of an experience than anything else. Words that describe it are whimsical, magical,ethereal,otherworldly. The space was small but decorated so beautifully with Kime's own artwork and various other local crafty magic. If I am not mistaken, most of the store only carried items by local designers and artisans. On one serious shopping trip years ago, I made my mom take me specifically to Echo Park..before Echo Park was cool, and shopper friendly... just to go there. When we got there it was closed...I did get to stop in the next day though, and it was totally worth it. I still have my Kime Buzelli silk screened t-shirt from that trip!
I only hope that when I open a store it is half as cool as this one.
p.s. Poppet post to come ;)
You know, I never went to the one in Manhattan. That makes me sad that it closed. Everything is closed (it seems) in Williamsburg. They are building so much right now and there is no one who can afford to move into these apartments.
I know NY is in a bit of a predicament right now. Big cities are getting hit the hardest, but good things must and will prevail especially in the greatest city in the world ;)
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