So My twin is coming into town for our 10 year high school reunion next month. Kinda weird that time has flown so fast, it seems like yesterday that I had to share a car with her, me driving in the morning, and her conveniently driving in the afternoon.
Few things have changed though, neither of us are married with children yet, we are still working on our careers. The only thing that has definitely changed is our style...Catholic school left little options to form a style. There were our shoes though,I religiously wore Doc Martins with Garfield lace ties...hey the little things helped.
My sister has evolved quite a bit, in college she was, I regret to tell you, a raver. Big pants lots of neon jewelry and no makeup...scary. I was definitely into the neon, not so much the big pants. Thank heavens, that is long gone. Our style is definitely similar, I guess the best way to describe us is Eclectic. My sister is more of an impulsive shopper, and I am bit more calculated. Her wardrobe is a collection of really cute impulse buys. My closet, on the other hand is carefully planned out, merchandised and practically perfect in every way!!! ;)
Everyone keeps asking me what are you going to wear to your reunion, I flirted with the idea of a leotard and a baton, but I am still deciding....What the hell do you wear to your 10 year reunion???
I am about to make the SAME decision... so please tell me what you decide!!!!
ha ha I will, although it will probably be a last minute decision I feel.
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